December 2017

Student Council


Tuesday 5 December 2017, 5pm-8pm in Lab026, Cambridge; Mab221, Chelmsford and Gui204, Peterborough


Minutes of the Annual Members Meeting held on Tuesday 4 April 2017

Attended Annual Members Meeting held on Tuesday 7 April 2017

Terms of reference
To note

Appointment of Student Trustees
To ratify

Executive Officer reports
To note

President report

Vice President (Arts, Law and Social Sciences) report

Vice President (Business) report

Vice President (Health, Social Care, Education and Medical Science) report

Vice President (Science and Technology) report

Priority campaign: 'Let's Be Honest' update

Minutes of the Executive Committee/FVC/LEDIC
To note

24 April 2017
31 May 2017
28 June 2017
28 July 2017
30 August 2017
28 September 2017
25 October 2017

Update from the Executive Committee/FVC/LEDIC - verbal
To note

Appointment of four members to the Elections Committee - verbal
To appoint

Appointments to vacant Executive Committee posts
To consider

International Rep (Cambridge)
International Rep (Chelmsford)

Amendements to Bye Law 2 and Bye Law 11
To consider

Update on policy previously passed by Student Council
To note

Against Cuts to Education
Against NHS Cuts
Gender Neutral Toilets
Increased Equality for Vegan Students
Keep Wednesday Afternoons Free
Liberating the Curriculum
Save Our Space
Teaching Excellence Framework
Trans not Trans*
Up Your Grants

Lapsed policy (notification of policy now lapsed) - verbal
To note

Against NHS Cuts
Increased Equality for Vegan Students
Keep Wednesday Afternoons Free
Up Your Grants

To consider

Against NHS Cuts
Equal Access
Increased Equality for Vegan Students
Keep Wednesday Afternoons Free
Up Your Grants
We Love the Living Wage
Wheels in Motion

To note

Any other business

National Student Survey (NSS) 2018 charities

Date and time of next meeting: Tuesday 6 February 2018