AGM 2018

Cant attend? Give your proxy vote here


Annual General Meeting

Notice of an Annual General Meeting for Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union (Registered Company No. 08064796 and Registered Charity No. 1148574) to be held on Wednesday 2nd May 2018 from 4-6pm, 25 April 2018 at LAB026 in Cambridge, MAB221 in Chelmsford and Gui204 in Peterborough





Welcome, and quorum check

To approve the Notice of the Meeting


Minutes of previous meeting, held on 4 April 2017

To approve


Presentation of the annual accounts

To approve


Presentation of affiliated organisations

To approve


Resolutions to the AGM (see below)

To approve


Report of the Board of Trustees on the Students’ Union’s activities since the previous Annual General Meeting

To note


Questions to the Trustees


Appointment of the auditors

To approve



Proxy Voting

All core students at Anglia Ruskin University are able to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting. If you are not able to attend you can appoint another person to do so on your behalf (a Proxy).

To do this you must

  1. Go to, login and submit your proxy vote no later than 12 Noon on Tuesday 1st May 2018.
  2. Email from your address to arrive no later than 12 Noon on Tuesday 1st May 2018. The email must include
    1. Your name
    2. Your student ID number
    3. The name of the person you wish to vote on your behalf at the meeting
      You may also include instructions on how you wish that person to cast your vote on the Resolutions.


Special resolution (requiring 75% of the vote in favour to pass)

This Union notes that following Democracy Review research carried out in 2016 and further reviewed in 2017, proposed new Articles of Association have been available online at for consultation since 2nd March 2018. Feedback from this consultation has been incorporated into subsequent revisions of the proposed new Articles of Association.


IT IS RESOLVED THAT, by way of special resolution, , the Articles of Association  available online at named “Proposed Articles” be approved and adopted as the Articles of Association of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the existing Articles of Association, provided that this resolution shall not take effect until the later of:

  1. the date on which the approval of Anglia Ruskin University has been obtained as required by s22(2) Education Act 1994; and
  2. the date on which either
    1. the Charity Commission provides its prior written consent to any proposed amendment to the existing Articles of Association which legally requires the prior written consent of the Charity Commission; or
    2. the Charity Commission confirms that its prior written consent is not legally required for any of the proposed amendments to the existing Articles of Association.


and that the Trustees are hereby authorised to make such amendments to these proposed articles of association as the Charity Commission and/or Anglia Ruskin University may require prior to granting their consent.

Ordinary resolutions (requiring 50% of the vote in favour to pass)

This Union notes that following Democracy Review research carried out in 2016 and further reviewed in 2017, proposed new Bye-Laws have been online for consultation since 2nd March 2018. Feedback from this consultation has been incorporated into subsequent revisions of the proposed new Bye-Laws.

IT IS RESOLVED THAT, subject to the approval of Anglia Ruskin University where required, the Bye-Laws available online at named “Proposed Bye-Laws” be approved by the members as the Bye-Laws of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the existing Bye-Laws. The proposed Bye-Laws are to take effect from the beginning of the 2018/2019 academic year.