Your Ideas


All good ideas start with a conversation 

This is your platform to enable you to create real change in your university. We know that there are some great things about Anglia Ruskin that you probably want to see more of, but also some areas that need improving or changing. This is your platform to do this.


So, how does it work?

1. First of all, submit your idea 

2. Get your mates to give your idea at least 25 likes within 2 weeks

3. Once you hit this, your idea is turned into a Big Idea and taken to your Executive Officer Team to take forward with you.


As long as your idea is something the Students’ Union is able to work with (we can’t help you get free McDonalds every Monday, for example), and depending on its complexity (or controversy, we do like a bit controversy…) it is then taken to one of the following groups:

  • Executive Committee
  • The Ideas Forum
  • A Student Members meeting 

Providing it is not something that has already been done before, negatively affects other students or staff, or is simply just too outrageous, then we will get in touch with you to figure out what our next steps will be together

We will then put the idea into action and regularly monitor its progress and keep everyone updated as regularly as we can


It might be that your idea should become a Students’ Union policy. If a policy is passed at Student Council or an All Student Meeting we are mandated to work by it. If this is the case, don’t worry, we will help you put that together.

So, what are you waiting for? Get submitting ideas and get liking any others that you think are important!



I've got no idea!

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  • 32 score
    32 voters


      I'd like to stress on the fact that the university must consider providing HALAL food and a PRAYER ROOM for the muslim students. It's real tough, having to get through a day without these.
    Jaza Abdul Jaleel
    12:29pm on 28 Nov 16 I support this brother's statement coz, it's really difficult for people who give importance to their religion. we're so blessed that we study in a secular university which respects every religion. ARU should consider this request and take actions asap.
    James Morgans
    11:25am on 29 Nov 16 Really support the idea of making sure we have halal and kosher food available on campus to cater to religions. Was also going to point out there is a prayer room on the first floor of Mumford near the medical centre
    Marzia Hoque Tania
    11:34am on 29 Nov 16 I support the demand for halal hot(warm) food in the canteen. In easy language, halal food is applicable to all meats, where the animals are slaughtered in such a way that the blood is drained properly. Non-Muslims can eat it too. There is a prayer room in the Chaplaincy. But the Chelmsford one is too small. Sisters cannot pray the collective prayer on Fridays the way it is supposed to be. In summer it closes even before magrib time.
    Md Mahmudul Hasan
    11:43am on 29 Nov 16 I strongly support this idea and wish to be implemented in a real scenario. According to me, it is an opportunity for SU to make it equal rights for every student. Hope this time, it will work.
    Nazia Hameed
    12:13pm on 29 Nov 16 I really support this Idea. Prayer room is really needed. In Ramadan it closes too early that Muslim sisters can't pray Isha prayers. Halal food is also not available in cafe which creates a lot of problem. Plus no events are arranged for the Muslim student's which is not good.Hope SU will work on this.
    Zain Al-Hroub
    2:36pm on 29 Nov 16 I, too, agree that the cantene needs to provide a range of halal food. :)
    Lway Al-Thabhawee
    4pm on 29 Nov 16 Yes this is very good idea I'm suffering from the time for pray and the place for it I think our university and our SU support that .
    Abdulsalam Alsultan
    4pm on 29 Nov 16 I strongly agree with this idea as it is quiet necessity for Muslims to eat HALAL food. thanks
    Mohammad Sobur
    5:37pm on 29 Nov 16 I am supporting this idea so that I can enjoy halal non-veg food.
    Anjum Shaikh
    7:29pm on 29 Nov 16 I really request to have Halal food in our canteen, so even muslim students from all over the world can enjoy the foods too. At present I am not eating from Canteen as I am scared for being served as Non-Halal food... Please look into this request please... This will also help University to have more customers.
    Nanci Tareco Neff Da Cruz
    11:58pm on 30 Nov 16 Supporting the idea 100%. Equality and inclusion are a matter of all for all students.
    Nathalie Catherine Reeve
    12:52pm on 1 Dec 16 I support the idea for halal food, there is however already a prayer room on the 1st floor of mumford on the left as you go up the stairs as if youre going to the medical center. To the right a place to wash.
    Moruf Adebowale
    4:26pm on 7 Dec 16 I support the idea for halal food.
    Kat Younger
    3:07pm on 12 Jan 17 Hi everyone! Love all the interest in this idea! I'm currently working with the chaplaincy in improving the prayer rooms and spaces on the Cambridge and Chelmsford campuses so have put together a survey to gather your thoughts! Anyone who has already liked the idea will receive an email, otherwise you can access the survey here: For concerns around halal food options in the canteen, Leigh Rooney has set up a Food Forum to be held on 8th February in HEL108 (Cambridge) and QUE103 (Chelmsford) from 5-6pm. If you have any questions, get in touch with me at Look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the forum!
    Johanna Korhonen
    1:07pm on 9 Jan 18 Hi all! Poultry that is served in the canteen is halal and the vegetarian and vegan hot meals, soups, salads and fish are all halal too. If you have any further feedback or want to discuss, please contact me (Johanna - ALSS Vice President):

    I've got no idea!


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