

What is policy?

It can be either specfic practical actions, a viewpoint or principle.  Policy can be submitted to the Student Summit, a student members meeting, to be voted on. If successful, the Executive Committee who are also responsible for representation and campaigning work, will work on its implementation.

Lapsed policy

Hidden Disability - lapsed Apr 23

Mental Health and Well-Being - lapsed Apr 23

NUS Affiliation - lapsed Apr 23

Sustainability - lapsed Apr 23

Mental Health and Well-Being - lapsed Apr 22

Sustainability - lapsed Apr 22

Good Speech - lapsed Apr 22

NUS Affiliation - lapsed Apr 22

Accessibility and Signage, lapsed Apr 21

Drug Harm Reducation and Education, lapsed Apr 21

Hidden Disability, lapsed Apr 21

TEF Off - ARU Against Marketisation, lapsed Apr 21

Erasmus The Fight for Funding!, lapsed Apr 21

Meaningful Mental Health, lapsed Apr 21

Mental Health Campaign Rep, lapsed Apr 21

Equal Access to Education, lapsed Apr 21

Tackling Period Poverty and Menstrual Accessibility , lapsed Apr 21

Food Poverty, lapsed Apr 21

Protecting Student Sex Workers, lapsed Apr 21

Sustainability Awareness, lapsed Apr 21

Against Education Cuts, lapsed Apr 20

Against NHS Cuts, lapsed Apr 20

Brexit Policy: Impact on Education, lapsed Apr 20

Drugs Harm Reduction & Education, lapsed Apr 20

Equal Access to Education, lapsed Apr 20

Sustainability Awareness, lapsed Apr 20

Student Sex Workers, lapsed Apr 20

Trans Inclusion in Sport, lapsed Apr 20

Wheels in Motion, lapsed Apr 20

Meaningful Mental Health, lapsed Apr 20

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), lapsed Apr 20

Against Cuts to Education, lapsed Feb 19

Against NHS Cuts, lapsed Feb 19

Democracy Review A Year On, lapsed Feb 19

Equal Access, lapsed Feb 19

Gender Neutral Toilets, lapsed Feb 19

Increased Equality for Vegan Students, , lapsed Feb 19

Keep Wednesday Afternoons Free, lapsed Feb 19

Liberate the Curriculum,, lapsed Feb 19

Meaningful Mental Health Campaigns, lapsed Feb 19

Reduced Printing, lapsed Feb 19

Save Our Space, lapsed Feb 19

Teaching Excellence Framework, lapsed Feb 19

Trans not Trans*, lapsed April 18

Up Your Grants, lapsed December 18

We Love the Living Wage, lapsed December 18 

Wheels in Motion, lapsed December 18

Against Cuts to Education, replaced 6 Feb 18

Against NHS Cuts, lapsed 16 Nov 17

An Environmental Students' Union, lapsed 6 Feb 14

ATM on Campus, lapsed 7 May 14

ATOS Off Our Campus, lapsed 19 Feb 15

ATOS-MAXIMUMS Off Campus, lapsed 4 May 16

Changing the Structure of Loan Payments, lapsed 18 Feb 16

Childcare Facility (Chelmsford Campus), lapsed 19 Feb 15

Close Inactive Clubs and Societies Accounts, lapsed 4 May 16

Course Reps and Postgraduate Research Reps Should Form Part of SU Constitution, lapsed 19 Feb 15

Cruelty-Free Cleaning and Personal Hygiene Products, lapsed 13 Nov 14

Environmental and Community Rep, lapsed 19 Feb 15

Free Wednesday Afternoon, lapsed 6 Feb 14

Gender Neutral Toilets, lapsed 6 Feb 14

Gender Neutral Toilets, lapsed 18 Feb 16

Gender Neutral Toilets, replaced 19 Feb 15

Gender Neutral Toilets, replaced 7 Feb 17

Gender Neutral Toilets, replaced 6 Feb 18

Girls on Tour, lapsed 6 Feb 14

Inactive-Ineffective Course Representatives, lapsed 7 May 14

Increase Recreation Facilities in Anglia Ruskin, lapsed 13 Nov 14

Increased Equality for Vegan Students, lapsed 16 Nov 17

Initiations, lapsed 7 May 14

Introducing Audio Recordings for Lectures with Little or No Visual Aids, lapsed 13 Nov 14

Introducing Audio Recordings for Lectures with Little or No Visual Aids, lapsed 18 Feb 16

Introduction of a Mature Students’ Rep, lapsed 4 May 16

Introduction of Portfolio Reps for Welfare-Liberation, lapsed 13 Nov 14

Investigating and Providing Access to Sport for Disabled Students, lapsed 19 Feb 15

It's Time to Talk Mental Health, lapsed 1 Dec 15

Keep Wednesday Afternoons Free, lapsed 16 Nov 17

Liberating the Curriculum, replaced 26 Apr 18

Lower Accommodation Costs, lapsed 1 Dec 15

More, lapsed 24 Apr 17

Microwave in the Canteen, lapsed 13 Nov 14

No Platform, lapsed 13 Nov 14

No Platform, lapsed 18 Feb 16

No Platform, replaced 18 Feb 15

NUS Extra Cards for Staff, lapsed 13 Nov 14

Postgraduate Research Student Representation System, lapsed 7 May 14

Postgradute Funding, lapsed 7 May 14

Relevant Names for Clubs and Societies at Anglia Ruskin University, lapsed 2 Apr 15

Save Our Space, replaced 7 Feb 17

Save Our Space, replaced 6 Feb 18

Secure Storage of Marked Assessments, lapsed 6 Feb 14

Specific Trans Student Reps, lapsed 18 Feb 16

Support the Living Wage, lapsed 18 Feb 16

Teaching Excellence Framework, replaced 6 Feb 18

Trans Participation in Sport, lapsed 12 Nov 13

Trans Participation in Sport, lapsed 13 Nov 14

Trans Participation in Sport, replaced 4 May 15

Trans Participation in Sport, lapsed 4 May 16

Up Your Grants, lapsed 16 Nov 17

Up Your Grants, replaced 17 Nov 16

We Want The Living Wage, lapsed 8 Feb 17

What a ‘Bloody’ Joke, lapsed 18 Feb 16

Where My Rent Went?, lapsed 23 Nov 16

Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment, lapsed 18 Feb 16

Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment, replaced 19 Feb 15


Unsuccessful policy

#BoycottNSS, unsuccessful 7 Feb 17

A Campus Wide Boycott of Coca-Cola, unsuccessful 20 Feb 14

Allies Matter, unsuccessful 9 Feb 16

ARU SU Clubs and Societies Fundraiser, unsuccessful 14 Nov 13

Divestment from Fossil Fuels, unsuccessful 14 Nov 13

Full and Part-Time Officer Accountability, unsuccessful 2 Dec 14

LGBT+ Participation in Sport, unsuccessful 24 Nov 15

Meat Free Monday, unsuccessful 14 Nov 13

No Platform, unsuccessful 19 Feb 15

Postgraduate Research Student Representation System, unsuccessful 7 Feb 13

Representation Voting Accountability, unsuccessful 3 Apr 14

Socially Responsible Investments, unsuccessful 25 Apr 16

Student Bar on the Cambridge Campus, lapsed 7 May 14

Unrestricted Elections, unsuccessful 25 Apr 16