Vice President (Healthcare Practice)

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Sharmeen Jawad - Vice President Healthcare Practice 2022/23 and 2023/2024




Hi all! I’m Sharmeen, your Students’ Union (SU) Officer. My role is Vice President Healthcare Practice which means I support all Health, Education, Medicine, and Social Work (HEMS) placement students. My role is part-time and fits around my studies, as I’m also a 3rd-year medical student at ARU! I’m based at the ARU Chelmsford Campus but support students on all ARU campuses (Chelmsford, Cambridge and Peterborough). 


If you have any queries or feedback about any aspect of university life, I’m here for you. My job is to represent the student body and improve life at university for you all. Feel free to contact me via email at or message me on my Instagram account, @_sharmeen_aru about anything!


I look forward to seeing you around campus!


What are your campaigns/what would you like to achieve for students this year? 


I've got lots of ideas, ranging from small campaigns such as having water stations in the library, to bigger campaigns such as developing a new prayer space in Chelmsford! See below for a few things I've been working on:


  • Furthering my work on my transport to placement campaign. To date I’ve organised 6 faculty forums and created a placement survey, as well as a HEMS Placement Travel guide.
  • You can download the HEMS Placement Travel guide to support you on your placement here. 
  • Provision of a prayer space for the Muslim community at ARU Chelmsford
  • Implementation of a Practice Hub, to provide a central point of information for HEMS clinical placement students- ranging from mental health support, to staff contacts
  • Implementation of a HEMS online space for students with the student opportunities team
  • Improving PDT services provided by the university
  • Introducing Halal food and food preparation methods to 92 café (Chelmsford)
  • Meeting regularly with the HEMS Faculty Partnership Team to discuss and improve overall student experience
  • Sitting on an EDI working group within the SU, with the aim to improve EDI within the SU and beyond


….. and so much more!



Why are you passionate about these project ideas? 

For the betterment of the ARU community! I want to make sure that students and staff alike have everything they need to make the most of their time at ARU! 



What's your ultimate ARU moment? 

Getting in! I was offered a place to study Medicine (MBBS) a few days before the course started because I was number 1 on the waiting list, having stayed at that position for over 6 months, and someone else had just dropped out! I started medical school on the same day I was due to sit my UCAT (a medical school entrance exam) which turned my life around and is one of the biggest blessings in my life. Eternally grateful (alhumdulillah, always)!







Recent news and updates:

Read Sharmeen's most recent articles explaining her campaigns, actions and events...



Catch up on the Elected Officers team updates....


Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? 

As a fully qualified doctor, probably working for the NHS! I'm hoping to travel the world and practice medicine abroad, particularly in my home country of Pakistan. I'd want to continue to be surrounded and supported by my family and friends, and be able to pursue a wide range of interests as I'm lucky enough to do so at the moment.

(and nowhere near ARU, might I add- which is a shame because as much as I may complain, I really enjoy university life!)



Share your three things on your bucket list: 

  • To visit every continent!
  • To try new, reckless things like skydiving!
  • To make a recognised and positive contribution to society- Nobel Prize, here we come!



Tell us something not many people know about you:

I have 5 wisdom teeth and only found out about this a few years ago! 



If you had a super power what would it be?? 

Talking to animals, I'd love to know what my cat says on a daily basis.