September 19

The 3rd meeting of the Faculty Voice Committee (FVC) and Liberation, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (LEDIC) 2019/20 will be taking place on Wednesday 25th September, 12:00PM - 2:00PM



Terms of reference

Minutes of the last meeting

Actions and matters arising from the last meeting

Election of the Deputy President


Items for discussion

Inclusion Fund

An SU Christmas

Executive Officer Updates

President (to follow)

Vice President (Business & Law)

Brexit Project Plan

Vice President (Health, Education, Medicine & Social Care)

Vice President (Science & Engineering)

Vice President (Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences)


Wider Executive Committee Updates

Campaign Rep Updates

Faculty Rep Updates


Big Ideas*

New Policy*

Against Education Cuts

Against NHS Cuts

Brexit Policy: Impact on Education

Drugs Harm Reduction & Education

Equal Access to Education

Sustainability Awareness

Student Sex Workers

Trans Inclusion in Sport

Wheels in Motion

Meaningful Mental Health

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)





Date of next meeting: (TBC)