October 2016

The ninth meeting of the Executive Committee will take place on Friday 28 October 2016, 10:00am - 1:00pm in Cambridge and Chelmsford


Minutes of the last meeting

Terms of reference
An update on the membership

Executive Officer reports


Education Officer

Welfare Officer

Activites Officer (Cambridgeshire)

Activities Officer (Essex)


Let's be honest project plan and project update
An update on the priority campaign

National Demo: United for Education

An update on the implementation of policies

An update on the budget

Campaign Rep reports
Faculty Rep reports
PGR Rep reports

An opportunity for all representatives to discuss their campaigns

Student Council
A discussion on the changes proposed


A discussion on accountability to members

Date of next meeting

1pm-4pm, Wednesday 30 November

If you have any queries in relation to the Executive Committee, please contact the Democracy and Camapigns Coordinator, Megan Bennett at m.bennett@angliastudent.com