November 2015

The first meeting of the Executive Committee took place on Thursday 5 November 2015, 10:00am - 1:00pm in Hel006, Cambridge and Tin302, Chelmsford


Terms of reference

Executive Officer reports


Academic Officer

Communications Officer

Experience Officer (Cambridgeshire)

Experience Officer (Essex)

For discussion

"Where my rent went" campaign project plan

Democracy review

Lapsing policy

Campaign Rep reports

Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Students' Rep (Chelmsford)

Communications Rep (Cambridge)

Communications Rep (Chelmsford)

Disabled Students' Rep (Cambridge)

Disabled Students' Rep (Chelmsford)

Environmental & Community Rep (Cambridge)

Environmental & Community Rep (Chelmsford)

International Rep (Cambridge)

International Rep (Chelmsford)

LGBT+ Students’ Rep (Cambridge)

Postgraduate Rep (Cambridge)

Postgraduate Rep (Chelmsford)

Societies Rep (Cambridge)

Sports Club Rep (Cambridge)

Sports Club Rep (Chelmsford)

Welfare Campaigns Rep (Cambridge)

Welfare Campaigns Rep (Chelmsford)

Women’s Rep (Cambridge)

Women’s Rep (Chelmsford)

A one page plan for the Communications Officer, Communications Rep (Cambridge) and Postgraduate Rep (Chelmsford) was recieved following after the first meeting of the Executive Committee. These were approved retrospectively by e-mail.

If you have any queries in relation to the Executive Committee, please contact the Democracy and Representation Manager, Daniel Login at