ARU London students have a right to:




From January 2020, the prayer room at the Farringdon Campus will be closed.

Due to recent student feedback and data from Speak Week, your Students' Union has decided to take action. But we can't do this without you.


  • We believe all students have a right to feel safe, included and part of the community.
  • We believe all students have a right to share and practice their faith, and where approproate, do this whilst they are at university. 
  • We believe all students have a right to a free space in which they can pray, be mindful, or just be quiet.

We are proposing a multi-faith space in both Farringdon & East India, so that those from all faiths and cultures feel comfortable and welcome to use it as and when they need to.


Do you have any ideas how this could work at your building? We (and ARU London University) would love to know your ideas so we can work on the best solution together.


Sign our petition below;

This survey is no longer available.


Join the discussion:

Space for Faith
An open forum for students of all faiths, beliefs and interests to communicate thoughts around the lack of prayer room facilities at both London Campus', with the aim of finding a solution.
1 topic
1 post
Last post: 16:03 on 31 Jan 2020