How is my work marked?

How is my work marked?*

Submission of written work is your responsibility, whether handing in a paper copy or submitting online. You should ensure you are familiar with the procedures, iCentre staff can give you more information on this if needed. You are entitled to receive teaching and/or tutorial guidance in preparation for the assessment but academic staff cannot advise you whether a piece of work is of a pass standard. A module tutor may provide comment on a maximum of 20% of any one piece of work. You also have a responsibility to keep a copy of the work you have handed in, just in case this is mislaid.

You should receive a receipt when you hand in your work at the iCentre or submit online. Keep this safe, if your work is subsequently lost by the Faculty you will not be able to prove you submitted it without it.


After handing in

If you feel that your assessed work was adversely affected by mitigating circumstances, you should contact a University Student Adviser and arrange to submit a Mitigation Claim Form, which must be submitted within 5 working days of the submission date. If you are not able to do this within the 5 days, you should contact a Students' Union Adviser and arrange to submit a Late Mitigation Claim Form.

Full details may be found in the Academic Regulations, advice can also be given by the University Student Advisers or the Students' Union Advisers.


Work handed in late

You should always allow plenty of time to get to the iCentre to hand your work in or to submit online. You can also post your work in to the University if you are unable to submit by hand. It is advisable to send by registered post and keep your receipt as proof of postage. Work that is submitted after the deadline will be classed as a fail unless you have had an extension approved in advance by a University Student Adviser.


If there are good reasons for handing in work late, fill out a Mitigating Circumstances Form and hand this in within 5 working days of the submission.  Remember, if your mitigation is upheld, your mark will be annulled, whether you pass or fail.


What happens to my work?

The majority of work is marked anonymously by a first marker. This is the rationale behind giving only your SID number on written assignments. Work that cannot be marked anonymously because of the nature of the assessment (e.g. presentations) is double marked if it contributes to 25% or more of the assessment. If it contributes to less than 25%, the Head of Department has to provide evidence of the integrity of the assessment method. Work that contributes towards the classification of an award is subject to external moderation. Double marking means that the second marker knows the mark awarded by the first marker and they have to agree a mark for each student.


Major Projects

All Major Projects at undergraduate and postgraduate level are unseen double marked, i.e. the second marker does not know the mark given by the first marker. 


Internal Moderation

A sample comprising a minimum of eight items, or 10%, (whichever is the greater) for each element contributing 25% or more of the overall assessment for the module from

across the full range of marks is subject to internal moderation to ensure there is consistency of marking.  The internal moderator knows the mark awarded by the first marker and sees any written feedback given to the student.


External Moderation

An External Examiner, i.e. an academic from outside the University, is required to see a sample of assessed work at Levels 5, 6 and 7. They will be shown a sample of eight items or 10% (whichever is the greater) of each element contributing 25% or more of the overall assessment for the module. The sample must include a range of marks. This is also the case for Level 4 assessments contributing to the classification of awards, i.e. Cert HE, HNC and HND. 


Faculty Awards Board

The Faculty Awards Board, which includes an External Examiner, receives approved module results and considers recommendations from the Faculty Student Review Subcommittee.  It assesses whether students are eligible for an award and, for students on professional courses, whether they are competent to practise and be included on the appropriate professional register.


Academic Appeals

If you are unhappy with the decision of the Awards Board and you have evidence of maladministration or evidence that your assessment wasn't carried out within the rules of the Academic Regulations, you have the right to appeal. You cannot appeal on the grounds of challenging academic judgement. Please contact the Students’ Union Advice Service for guidance before submitting an Appeal.  Appeals must be lodged within 25 working days of the publication of confirmed marks following a meeting of the Faculty Awards Board.


Collecting your work

You must collect your work within 20 working days after the Awards Board has met. After this time, any uncollected work will be destroyed. 



Information regarding the publication of marks and decisions made by Awards Boards is made available to you via eVision. However, unconfirmed marks may appear on eVision and occasionally change at the Faculty Awards Board. eVision will tell you the date on which marks are confirmed. Remember that resubmission dates are also communicated via eVision and you should ensure that you are familiar with the system. If in doubt, ask for assistance in the University Library, your Personal Tutor or teaching staff.



You are entitled to receive feedback from markers on all assessed work; this feedback may be written or otherwise, as appropriate.  Feedback should normally be available to you within 20 working days (30 working days for major projects) of the submission deadline but remember that at this time the mark will be unconfirmed and subject to internal and external moderation. Examination scripts will not be returned but you may request to see your script and receive feedback from the Module Leader/Tutor.


*Information correct at time of publication