Volunteer Of The Month

Volunteer of the Month

At ARU Students' Union, we believe that everyone who spends their spare time to volunteer is a superstar! The volunteering that you are undertaking is helping people far and wide, and we believe that your efforts, motivations, accomplishments and inspirations should all be celebrated.

If you are, or know of a student who is an elected Representative or a Club or Society Committee Member, and you believe their volunteering work should be celebrated, you can nominate them to win one of our 2 monthly awards on your campus by using our nomination form below.



Katie Isaacs
What are your main duties and how do you help others?
My main duties involve ensuring the voice of my classmates is heard and that they know they can confide in me for anything they feel needs to be addressed. This is so rewarding, as I feel I can make a difference to not only my friends' experiences, but those that will follow.
What have you enjoyed most about volunteering?
I have truly enjoyed making a statement with my position and being able to express things I otherwise may have not been able to. The best part of being a rep is seeing the issues you raised being changed and seeing the difference it makes.
What skills have you learnt and used through your volunteering?
A main skill set I have learnt is in speaking out to people that I may be nervous to address. The SSLC meetings can be quite intimidating as there are a lot of students and staff who are solely listening to me, but when I utilised this idea it became a strength, I ensured my voice was heard and gained a lot of confidence in my role throughout the year and saw the differences I made!
Hannah Addison
What are your main duties and how do you help others?
As the president of the Women in Surgery Society, my main duties revolve around fostering a supportive and empowering environment for female-identifying medical students interested in pursuing careers in surgery. I am responsible for organising events, workshops, and networking opportunities that promote professional development and mentorship. By advocating for gender equality and addressing the unique challenges faced by women in surgery, I aim to inspire and empower female surgeons to excel in their careers.
What have you enjoyed most about volunteering?
One of the most enjoyable aspects of volunteering is the sense of fulfilment that comes from making a positive impact on others' lives. Volunteering also allows me to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for making a difference, creating a sense of community. Additionally, volunteering often provides opportunities for personal growth and learning, as I am constantly challenged to adapt, problem-solve, and develop new skills in diverse settings. Overall, the opportunity to give back and be part of something bigger than myself is what I find most rewarding about volunteering.
What skills have you learnt and used through your volunteering?
Through my volunteering experiences, I've had the opportunity to develop and utilise a diverse range of skills. Communication skills have been crucial, whether it's effectively conveying ideas to committee or liaising with members to find out what they want from the society. Leadership skills have also been honed through roles that require organising events, managing teams, and delegating tasks. Problem-solving skills have been put to the test in navigating challenges and finding creative solutions to obstacles that arise. As a fulltime student, time management and organisation skills have been essential for juggling multiple responsibilities and deadlines.
Prisha Dharmendra Shah
What are your main duties and how do you help others?
My main duties involve representing my peers in the BSc Artificial Intelligence program and addressing their concerns. This helps others by ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met within the academic community.
What have you enjoyed most about volunteering?
The most enjoyable aspect of volunteering is the opportunity to make a positive impact and i am a guy who always like to socialise volunteering give me great opportunity for that
What skills have you learnt and used through your volunteering?
Through volunteering, I've learned and applied skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, which are valuable in both academic and professional settings.
Robert Smith
What are your main duties and how do you help others?
My main duties involve representing my peers in the BSc Artificial Intelligence program and addressing their concerns. This helps others by ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met within the academic community.
What have you enjoyed most about volunteering?
The most enjoyable aspect of volunteering is the opportunity to make a positive impact and i am a guy who always like to socialise volunteering give me great opportunity for that
What skills have you learnt and used through your volunteering?
Through volunteering, I've learned and applied skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, which are valuable in both academic and professional settings.

Use the buttons below to find the nomination form, the criteria to qualify for the Volunteer of the Month and you can click the dropdown to reveal the full list of the past winners of the Volunteer of the Month award!