Setting up a project

Setting up your Project

To get your volunteer project on the road, you will first need to submit your project idea to the Volunteer Centre and have an initial meeting with your relevant Volunteer Coordinator. Once your initial idea has been discussed and approved, you can start to plan out your project. Complete the Volunteer Project Development Plan to help you:

Volunteer Project Development Plan

If your project is affiliating with a school or external organisation you will need to complete a Partnership Agreement. Before filling in this form, please ensure that you have discussed affiliating with an external organisation with your Volunteer Coordinator:

Partnership Agreement

During the year we will also invite project committees to catch up meetings. Before attending these meetings please ensure that you have completed a project audit which we will discuss at the meeting:

Audit Form


Setting up your Project Webpage

After completing the Development Plan, the Volunteer Centre will set you up with your very own project webpage. To get your project page set up and to help you get the most out of your page, please read through the following guide:

Project Webpage Guide


Social Media Guide

As a committee you may decide to set up social media pages to help your project communicate and organise as well as promote to a wider audience. Before setting up your social media accounts, please read through the Volunteer Project Handbook and the social media guide below:

Social Media Guide


Committee Hand Over

After your AGM at the end of the academic year, your project will need to inform the Volunteer Centre of the new committee and their details. Please complete the following form:


Hand Over Form



Can't find what your looking for? Look through the Volunteer Project Handbook or speak to your relevant Volunteer Coordinator for help.