Project Finance

Project Finance

To get a volunteer project off the ground, we understand that you will require a small pot of money to cover all the basic essentials. All affiliated Volunteer Projects can apply for funding through the Community Project Fund:


Community Project Fund

The Community Project Fund is a £1000 pot of money which any affiliated volunteer project can apply for. The fund aims to aid student-led volunteering activity which at its core has a vision to create positive and lasting impact on the local community and to make a difference to the lives of others. For more information on the criteria for setting up a volunteer project, the funding available to apply for and how to manage purchases, please read through the Volunteer Project Handbook.

To apply for your funding, please complete and submit a Volunteer Project Finance Form:


Volunteer Project Finance Form


Can't find what your looking for? Look through the Volunteer Project Handbook or speak to your relevant Volunteer Coordinator for help.