Live Action Society Anglia Ruskin (LASAR)
Live Action Society Anglia Ruskin (LASAR)!
We are the Live Action Society Anglia Ruskin (LASAR)! A ready-made LARPing community for you to sink your teeth into (metaphorically speaking, of course).
For those of you well versed in the arcane arts, right through to those who saw Lord of the Rings and thought; "I could get into that". We are the people to make that happen. Whether you're a veteran with the war wounds of days gone by, or a fresh young face ready to stand up against the biggest and baddest, we accommodate for all. Don your cloak or space boots because we're going on an adventure.
The society has an armoury of swords and daggers, maces and polearms, shields... you get the idea, so you can turn up and try it out for yourself.
Membership for the whole year is £3.60
Don't delay, start LARPing today!

We hold twice weekly meetings to hang-out, plan events and practice fighting!
Thursday 19:00-21:00 *Dance Studio
Sunday 14:00-17:00 *Dance Studio
*Location subject to change, either LAB028, the Academy or the oudoor SU space
Please be aware that due to Covid-19 there will be a few changes to how we run events. Tickets are required to enter as part of a 'track-and-trace' but will be free of chrage and availble online before and throughout the meeting. We will also ask that visitors remain 2-meters apart, chairs will be placed approiatly to accomedate for this. Hand sanitisation will be avaible and we ask that visitors where a face-covering to help everyone feel safe and comfortable.
LARP Systems:
We're always open to try new things (we are a LARP society after all), members currently attend many systems including:
Contact Us!
For further information Join us on Facebook or Email us!
Contact our committee: Amelia King (President) and Rosaria Bamford-Shotton (Treasurer)