Kharis On Campus (KOC)

Kharis On Campus

Kharis on Campus translates as 'Grace on campus' it is a zealous and passionate Historical Christian society opened to all faiths and backgrounds.

Kharis on Campus is a vibrant, dynamic Christian society. We want to raise a group of young people to make an impact. We aim to do this by teaching principles based on the bible, to instil key morals necessary to be a diligent student, a good person and ultimately a person of influence. We have a passion for young people and we emphasise on teaching young people how to use their time and energy to benefit others. We study and take example from revivalists that were in university like: George Whitfield and The Wesley Brothers, who were academic successes but also great Christians revivalists, making a difference in society. We will discuss how we can incorporate their success and work ethics into student lifestyles today.


The objectives of Kharis on Campus:

1) To gain historic background knowledge on Christian revivalists and revivals that has occurred, why some were successful and why some failed.

2) To be a place of fellowship/socialising and a place of spiritual and intellectual growth for all students of every background and culture.

3) To be a place where students can call home, a place where students can find support. We aim for Kharis on Campus to be a place where people feel free to express themselves and to share their issues.



We have praise and worship, testimony time this is a time where people can talk about their experience of Kharis on Campus and in what ways they are changing and growing. We will also have the message and times of discussion where members would discuss how to practically apply principles of the bible to daily student life. We will also take examples from Christian revivalists from the past. At the end of the service we will have a time of fellowship where students can socialise, talk about life and issues, eat and drink etc. We really emphasise on being a family, so from the oldest member to the first timer they would know that they have met such. Moreover, every so often we have a games night which consists of different games and icebreakers.



  • Kharis On Campus (KOC) Standard Membership£3.60

Society Committee

Hospitality Officer

Praise & Worship Officer



Ushering Officer

Kharis On Campus

Kharis on Campus translates as 'Grace on campus' it is a zealous and passionate Historical Christian society opened to all faiths and backgrounds.

Kharis on Campus is a vibrant, dynamic Christian society. We want to raise a group of young people to make an impact. We aim to do this by teaching principles based on the bible, to instil key morals necessary to be a diligent student, a good person and ultimately a person of influence. We have a passion for young people and we emphasise on teaching young people how to use their time and energy to benefit others. We study and take example from revivalists that were in university like: George Whitfield and The Wesley Brothers, who were academic successes but also great Christians revivalists, making a difference in society. We will discuss how we can incorporate their success and work ethics into student lifestyles today.


The objectives of Kharis on Campus:

1) To gain historic background knowledge on Christian revivalists and revivals that has occurred, why some were successful and why some failed.

2) To be a place of fellowship/socialising and a place of spiritual and intellectual growth for all students of every background and culture.

3) To be a place where students can call home, a place where students can find support. We aim for Kharis on Campus to be a place where people feel free to express themselves and to share their issues.



We have praise and worship, testimony time this is a time where people can talk about their experience of Kharis on Campus and in what ways they are changing and growing. We will also have the message and times of discussion where members would discuss how to practically apply principles of the bible to daily student life. We will also take examples from Christian revivalists from the past. At the end of the service we will have a time of fellowship where students can socialise, talk about life and issues, eat and drink etc. We really emphasise on being a family, so from the oldest member to the first timer they would know that they have met such. Moreover, every so often we have a games night which consists of different games and icebreakers.


Upcoming Events

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!