
Hello, we are the Historical society, an up and coming group of history students, we open to any and all discussion regarding the past and indeed how it is effecting us today. We will throughout the year host various events and discussions related to history as a field and subject (some more or less than others). 

Debate within the society will be conducted on the fundemental principle of freedom of speech and free debate, with an ultimate understanding that any and all distrimination and prejudice is opposed not only to our values and principles as society but alien to our values as a university.


  • History Society - Standard Membership£4.00

Society Committee

Events Officer


Social Media Administrator


Vice President

Hello, we are the Historical society, an up and coming group of history students, we open to any and all discussion regarding the past and indeed how it is effecting us today. We will throughout the year host various events and discussions related to history as a field and subject (some more or less than others). 

Debate within the society will be conducted on the fundemental principle of freedom of speech and free debate, with an ultimate understanding that any and all distrimination and prejudice is opposed not only to our values and principles as society but alien to our values as a university.

Upcoming Events

Movie Night - "Hamburger Hill"
The first meeting of the ARU Historical Society! We are watching the film "Hamburger Hill". (there will be pizza) this is free to all members and £5 to any non-members who wish to attend!
No elections are currently running