Computing Society

Within this society we aim to explore beyond the computing streams of courses offered at ARU Peterborough.

We aim to provide an experience for members that allows them to gain transferrable skills, both hard and soft, to allow them to become more learned in the field they wish to pursue and gain invaluable knowledge to display on their CVs.

Members will have the opportunity to take part in:

  • PC Building Socials,
  • Group Programming Sessions (on individual ideas or on a single idea together),
  • Lectures by Industry Professionals (on a basis of when they are available),
  • And many more!


Sorry, there are no memberships available to purchase.

Society Committee

Within this society we aim to explore beyond the computing streams of courses offered at ARU Peterborough.

We aim to provide an experience for members that allows them to gain transferrable skills, both hard and soft, to allow them to become more learned in the field they wish to pursue and gain invaluable knowledge to display on their CVs.

Members will have the opportunity to take part in:

  • PC Building Socials,
  • Group Programming Sessions (on individual ideas or on a single idea together),
  • Lectures by Industry Professionals (on a basis of when they are available),
  • And many more!

Upcoming Events

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!

Peer Learning By-Election March 2025

1 post is up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls are open and will close at 23:00 on Sunday 16 March 2025 (in 2 days and 8 hours)