CATS - Computing and Technology Society - Chelmsford
Welcome to CATS Goes Cyber!!! 

Welcome to the Computing And Technology Society (CATS). This year we have teamed up with the Cyber Security Society to put on more, bigger and better events.

Today’s world is full of technology, it gives us the ability to communicate to anyone across the globe in a matter of seconds, lock our cars from our phones and even talk to our smart homes. But the question is…How Smart is Smart Technology?
The CATS goes Cyber Society aims to provide an environment for members to work on projects together, learn, explore and most importantly enjoy technology. We’re planning on running various hackathon type events where you will get the chance to learn and then attack a variety of devices. Last year we took part in the OWASP University Challenge where we got to perform digital forensic challenges, cross site scripting and injection attacks as well as reverse engineering challenges.
CATS Goes Cyber - Pi Wars
CATS will also be working towards having an entry for Pi Wars 2019. There are various challenges and you can work in the CATS team to device which challenge we take on and build the Pi Powered Robots.
CATS Goes Cyber - Socials
Every year we run a variety of social events. First up is the Escape Room challenge. This is a Panic Room type event where you will have to work in a team to find clues to escape. Are you up for the challenge? Keep your eye out on the event page to get up to date information on dates, time and tickets. Escape Room not your thing? No worries we also went bowling last year and we’d love to go again as it was a great hit.
Photo's From Last year's Socials

CATS Goes Cyber - This exciting year
Throughout the year we will have guest speakers coming in to give talks on the leading issues with tech security. We have previously had Barclays Bank in to give a talk and plan on getting them back for an interactive A.I. Frenzy session.
CATS Goes Cyber - Never used a pi before ?
Never used a Pi before or ever done coding? Not to worry we will be running a variety of Python based workshops throughout the year. Weather you have experience or are a complete beginner this is the society for you. No previous experience is required just a thirst for knowledge and team work.
In addition the CATS Society provides a safe space for Students, Lecturers and Professionals to come together to enjoy, learn and explore the world of technology. The society is open to all students of Anglia Ruskin regardless of what you study. If you have an interest in tech, cyber security or Raspberry Pi then please join. The membership cost is only £5 for the year and you can sign up online on the SU website or using your Books Plus card at the SU reception.