Anime & Manga - Cambridge


ARAMS is Anglia Ruskin's Anime and Manga Society based in Cambridge.

If you’re passionate about anime, manga, light novels, and cosplay - this is the place to be! We have weekly screenings of anime showcasing everything from currently airing shows, popular classics, and obscure hidden gems. We also host games, quizzes, and other activities. We’re also hoping to organise group trips to Comic Con and other conventions.

We would love to hear any new ideas for the meetings and activities we organise so let us know if you have any!



  • Anime & Manga - Cambridge Standard Membership£3.60

Society Committee




ARAMS is Anglia Ruskin's Anime and Manga Society based in Cambridge.

If you’re passionate about anime, manga, light novels, and cosplay - this is the place to be! We have weekly screenings of anime showcasing everything from currently airing shows, popular classics, and obscure hidden gems. We also host games, quizzes, and other activities. We’re also hoping to organise group trips to Comic Con and other conventions.

We would love to hear any new ideas for the meetings and activities we organise so let us know if you have any!


Upcoming Events

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!