Debate Society - Chelmsford


The ARU Debate Society is a tight-knit group of students who love to talk, exchange and explore ideas. We get together for debates, workshops, and chats with cool speakers. It's not just about winning arguments but building confidence and understanding diverse perspectives. Join us for lively discussions, friendly debates, and a community that loves a good conversation!


  • Debate Society - Chelmsford Standard Membership£4.00

Society Committee



Debate Society - Chelmsford


The ARU Debate Society is a tight-knit group of students who love to talk, exchange and explore ideas. We get together for debates, workshops, and chats with cool speakers. It's not just about winning arguments but building confidence and understanding diverse perspectives. Join us for lively discussions, friendly debates, and a community that loves a good conversation!

Upcoming Events

We don't have anything planned right now but check back soon!