Grant Allocations

Grant Allocations

Grant allocation form

For transparency we have uploaded the grant allocations to the website. Please note that allocations are based on criteria laid out in Anglia Ruskin Students' Union Bye Law 5- Clubs and Societies as stated below:

5.4 Allocation Process
5.4.1 The grant allocation will consider the status of the club or society as pending or official; the number of people participating in the Club or Society, its attendance at Students’ Union activities (such as General Meetings and Club and Society Forum meetings), its conduct as a representative of the Students’ Union and the University and also the reasons for which the grant was requested.
5.4.2 The allocation procedure must also leave money available for any Club or Society that may wish to form in the future.
5.4.3 Other rules regarding the grant process, and what can and can not be granted for, can be found in the relevant Club or Society Handbook.
5.4.4 Once allocated, the grant allocation will be submitted to the Student Opportunities Manager for approval.
5.4.5 The Students’ Union retains ownership of any equipment purchased with grant money.
5.4.6 All Students’ Union owned equipment will be logged on an inventory list held by the Student Activities Department and will be audited once a year.

Grants are allocated to a Society when it reaches 15 paid members, grants always have a spending deadline which will be emailed out to you. The areas that grant funding are allocated in:

- Affiliation/league fees

- Referees/coaches

- Guest speakers

- Health and safety

- Equipment

- Advertisement

- Refreshments

- Travel

- Other

If you have any questions regarding your allocation please email your Campus specific Activities Coordinator to arrange a meeting.