
So you want to fundraise? Let's get going! 


Love fundraising and making a difference? Have you joined our Raising & Giving Society?

We love it when our Societies fundraise but there are some basic rules you must follow so do book in a meeting with your Activities Coordinator before hand.

Did you know?

When using collection buckets they must be completed sealed with the charity number of the charity you are fundriasing for on it

It is illegal to shake a collection bucket at people, so stay calm and carry on, without shaking it

Money must be paid in  to the membership account the same day as you fundraise 

If you fundraise on private property you need the express written permission to do so

Ultra Vires


The Students’ Union is a registered charitable company (as we have to be by law) and so we are affected by The Charities Act and Education Act (1994). All student groups are legally part of the Students’ Union, and so the laws regarding charitable companies also apply to student groups, and affect what ativities the Union and groups can do and what they can spend their money on.

‘Ultra Vires’ is a phrase used legally to mean anything beyond our stated aims – both of the Union and of student groups. Legally we are not allowed to make any ‘ultra vires’ payments, so we cannot spend money on things that are not achieving the stated aims of the Union and the student group. This is why all expenditure needs to be confirmed with the Activities Staff before any money is spent or promised to be spent!

Fundraising ideas:

•Charity Gigs

•Quiz Nights

•Murder Mystery

•University Challenge


•Film Marathon

•24 Hour Karaoke

•Baking Leagues


•Scavenger Hunt

•RAG Raids

Important documents you might want