Summer Send Off - Cambridge

Make student life unforgettable


The Summer Balls took place on Friday 31st May in Chelmsford and Saturday 1st June in Cambridge with great success. Friday saw 350 elegantly dressed students and guest attend the ball in the Tindal building where MTV provided some great DJ’s and live acts until 3am, prizes galore were won on the carnival games and even a few shirts were burst on the bungee run and laser quest. Saturday was the first time in 4 years that we held the ball on campus and after some initial uncertainness from the guests they enjoyed the event a lot and commented on how good it looked with all of the drapes and carpet that had been installed for the event. MTV also rocked the main stage on Saturday and the boys from Bombay Bicycle Club had the 2nd stage bouncing.

We hope you all enjoyed the Summer Balls and we plan to make next year bigger and better.

Have a look at what happened at the Summer Balls:-




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