
Voting Archive


You can view the policy proposals by clicking the links below, before you vote: 

Good Speech

Mental Health and Wellbeing

NUS Affiliation


There must be a simple majority of "for" votes (a positive number in the grey box) for an appointment, bye law amendment or policy to pass.



You can view the AGM papers by clicking the links below, before you vote: 

The Minutes of the Last AGM

Trustees' Report on Union Activities

The Accounts of the Union

List of Affiliations of the Union

This is your opportunity to approve a number of items as part of our Annual General Meeting. There must be a simple majority of "for" votes (a positive number in the grey box) for these items to be approved.



You can view the policy proposals by clicking the links below, before you vote: 

Hidden Disability

Mental Health and Wellbeing

NUS Affiliation


There must be a simple majority of "for" votes (a positive number in the grey box) for an appointment, bye law amendment or policy to pass.




You can view the AGM papers by clicking the links below, before you vote: 

The Minutes of the Last AGM

Trustees' Report on Union Activities

The Accounts of the Union

List of Affiliations of the Union

This is your opportunity to approve a number of items as part of our Annual General Meeting. There must be a simple majority of "for" votes (a positive number in the grey box) for these items to be approved.
