April 2016

Student Council

Monday 25 April 2016, 3:45pm - 7:00pm in Hel201, Cambridge; Tin board room, Chelmsford and Gui204, Peterborough

Minutes of the Annual Members Meeting held on Tuesday 9 February 2016

Amendment to Bye Law 4

To alter the timing of the term of office of Executive Officers and Campaign Reps

Executive Officer reports

President one page plan and report

Academic Officer one page plan and report

Communications Officer one page plan and report

Experience Officer (Cambridgeshire) one page plan and report

Experience Officer (Essex) one page plan and report

Minutes of the Executive Committee

Friday 5 February 2016 and Thursday 7 April 2016

Update from the Executive Committee

Update on policy previously passed by Student Council

Lapsed policy (notification of policy now lapsed)



Socially Responsible Investments

Unrestricted Elections

Democracy review


Debate: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

Any other business

Date and time of next meeting: TBC