NUS Black Students' Conference Delegate Voting

Black Students’ Conference is taking place at the University of Warwick between Saturday 17 May – Sunday 18 May


Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union are sending 1 representative to this conference who will be elected by students that define as Black (the 'term' Black is used to refer to African, Arab, Asian and Caribbean students and those who self-define as Black)


The names and manifesto’s of the people standing for these positions are below.

Olawale Awoyinka

Irene Jehu-Appiah

Harleena Franklin


To vote for the people you would like to send to this conference you must:-


  1. Self define as Black
  2. Email your vote


The email must contain the following information:-

The title line must state what Conference Election you are voting in, Black Students’ Conference


The text of the email must contain;-

Your name

Your SID number

That you self define as a Black student

The name of the candidate that you are voting for

The date