Rep of the Month - Cambridge (May 2014)

Lynne Sharper-Edwards

Course Representative Psychology and Criminology

This month’s Rep of the Month

is Lynne Sharper-Edwards!

Lynne has been a committed

Rep for the past 3 years andf

ensured the voices on her course

were heard.

With such a unique course, which spans two faculties, Lynne had a challenge on her hands to ensure students were heard in both the Psychology and Criminology Course Groups.

Despite this Lynne has always ensured that students have a strong and active voice in her, winning countless things for students over the years. Upon hearing she'd won Rep of the Month Lynne said: "The three years that I have been a rep have been amazing. I loved being a rep and it is awesome to be rewarded for something you enjoy, I feel honoured to be nominated for this."

Lynne will be leaving Anglia Ruskin this year and in a final thought Lynne said: "I will miss ARU and the rep system, it made my time at university much more rewarding."

Thank you for all the hard work (and smiles!) over the past 3 years Lynne- we'll all miss you!