Rep of the Month - Cambridge (April 2014)

Sarah Haider

Course Representative English Literature and Writing and ALSS Faculty Rep, Cambridge


This month’s Rep of the Month

might be a familiar name-

she’s been recently elected

as your new Experience

Officer (Cambridge) for 2014/15.

Upon hearing she’d won this month Sarah said: “I'm very humbled to be given this award. I hope that other reps will find Rep of the Month a motivation to do even more for their students."
All year Sarah has been an active voice for the students around her, ensuring that students are heard at all levels of the institution. As part of her Faculty Rep role Sarah has also set up Rep Forums for Reps in her Faculty to meet and discuss solutions as a group.
Alongside her Rep roles Sarah is also an enthusiastic part of the Rep Society who recently held their annual Rep Conference in Cambridge.
Thanks for all the hard work Sarah!