Course Reps

The Role of a Course or PGR Rep


What is a Course Rep?

Course Reps are students elected by their coursemates to deliver feedback to their faculty. This feedback is then used to improve the student experience for all the students they represent.

There is at least one Rep role available per course per year, though this may differ for courses with larger numbers of students, e.g. Nursing or MBA.

Course Reps attend a meeting once a semester called a Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) where they discuss students concerns and help to find solutions.


What is a PGR Rep? 

PGR Reps focus on finding ways to develop and improve the academic experience of Post Graduate Research students in their faculty.

There are 2 PGR Rep positions per faculty plus reps for professional doctirate students, making 10 total positions. 

PGR Reps represent students by attending their Faculty Research and Innovation Committee (FRIC). The FRIC acts as a forum for students and staff to discuss a range of issues, much like the SSLC.


Course and PGR Rep Responsibilties:

  • Attend training and remain in contact with the Students’ Union.
  • Attend/send a report to their SSLC or FRIC.
  • Gather student opinion and feedback outcomes to students.


Support and benefits:

  • A Rep Coordinator as a key contact to provide guidance and support 
  • A number of further developmental opportunities such as the ability to sit on dicsiplinary hearing panels, support the design and approval of new courses, and to contribute to our Student Council / Student Summit
  • The opportunity to register as a volunteer and create a downloadable transcript of the skills and experience gained in their role.
  • The opportunity to win awards such as Rep of the Month or Rep of the Year at the annual SU Awards. 


Who is my Course or PGR Rep? 

You can find out by logging in and heading to the Representation page - here you'll be able to find the name and contact information of your elected rep.

I am a Course Rep

 Are you already a Course Rep? Access your Course Rep resources and more above.