
Becoming a Rep is a great way to work with other students and staff at all levels of the University to make positive change.

At Anglia Ruskin University, over 600 of our students volunteer their time to be a Rep. They benefit from experience and opportunities which help to develop key employability skills including communication, negotiation, problem solving and strategic thinking. All positions are part-time and voluntary.

The Role of Course Reps

Course Reps focus on finding ways to develop and improve the academic experience of students on their course.
There is at least 1 position available per year per course.
Course Reps attend their Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) once a semester. The SSLC acts as a forum for students and staff to discuss a range of issues.

Course Rep responsibilities
  • Attend training and remain in contact with the Students’ Union
  • Attend/send a report to their SSLC
  • Gather student opinion and feed back outcomes to students

The Role of Postgraduate Research Reps

PGR Reps focus on finding ways to develop and improve the academic experience of Post Graduate Research students in thier faculty.
There are 2 PGR Rep positions per faculty.
PGR Reps attend their Faculty Research and Innovation Committee (FRIC). The FRIC acts as a forum for students and staff to discuss a range of issues.
PGR Rep responsibilities
  • Attend training and remain in contact with the Students’ Union
  • Attend/send a report to their FRIC
  • Gather student opinion and feed back outcomes to students

Support and benefits of being a Rep:

  • An SU Rep Coordinator as a key contact to provide guidance and support
  • A number of further developmental opportunities
  • The opportunity to register as a volunteer and create a transcript of skills and experience


To find out more about the vacant Executive Committee positions please click here. (LINK)

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