What Is A Course Rep?


What Is A Course Rep?


Course Reps are students elected by their peers to represent the views of their course-mates to their faculty, the Students’ Union, and the University. They do this by collecting feedback from the students on their course and in their year and delivering this to key staff, through regular conversations or through meetings once a trimester called a Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC).

Course Reps are a really valuable part of the Students’ Union; in the past, they’ve been the driving force behind changes like extended opening hours to University buildings, the addition of a kitchenette to Young Street, the provision of home licenses for AHSS students, and many, many more course level and faculty level improvements. 


The role of a Course Rep involves:

· Attending an online training session at the beginning of the year.

· Collecting feedback from course-mates - this can take as much or as little time as you like, and can be done face to face, online, via email, or even in a course WhatsApp or Canvas discussion!

· Attending or reporting to one SSLC meeting per trimester (usually only TRI1 and 2).

· Staying in touch with your Rep Coordinator and keeping up to date on information and opportunities from the SU.


What Is A Postgraduate Research Rep?

PGR Reps are students elected by their peers to represent the views of their fellow postgraduate researchers to their faculty, the Students’ Union, and the University. They do this by collecting feedback from the students on their course and in their year and delivering this to key staff, through regular conversations or through meetings once a trimester called a Faculty Research and Innovation Committee (FRIC).


You can apply to become a Course or PGR Rep between September 6th 2021 and October 8th 2021.

Voting for Course Reps opens October 9th 2021 and closes at midday October 17th.


If you have any questions about Course Reps, whether it’s about elections or the role itself please contact Demi Smith, Senior Representation Coordinator, at d.smith@angliastudent.com.