What is A Campaign & Faculty Rep?


What are Campaign Reps and Faculty Reps?



The Executive Committee

Campaign and Faculty Reps form part of the Executive Committee; a diverse body of students who set the direction and lead the representation of students at ARU.

Candidates for Executive Committee roles have a Candidates Hub available with more information including an FAQ, information about budgets, tips for campaigning, and more.

Faculty Reps

Faculty Reps are students elected by their peers to represent the views of an entire faculty and to run campaigns that improve the student experience of students in a particular faculty. They form one part of the Executive Committee, alongside the Officers and the Campaign Reps.

Faculty Reps are a really valuable part of the Students’ Union; in the past, they’ve been the driving force behind campaigns like ‘Against NHS Cuts’. They have also led to changes like the removal of hidden course costs, improvements to timetabling and lobbied alongside the NUS for the reintroduction of NHS bursaries.


This year we have the following Faculty Rep positions available:

· Science and Engineering Faculty Rep (Cambridge)

· Science and Engineering Faculty Rep (Chelmsford)

· Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care Faculty Rep (Chelmsford)

To apply for a Faculty Rep positon, you must be based on that campus and be a member of that faculty. To apply, go to the application page and enter your details. Then write a statement of what you would like to achieve while in position. You must upload a statement and a photo for your application to be approved.


Campaign Reps

Campaign Reps are students elected by their peers to champion and represent the views and voices of marginalised students at ARU. They run campaigns that improve the student experience of students who self-define into a particular category. They form one part of the Executive Committee, alongside the Officers and the Faculty Reps.

Campaign Reps are a really valuable part of the Students’ Union; in the past they’ve run campaigns such as the Pronoun Badges Campaign, Disabled Students’ Awareness, and have contributed to other campaigns such as #ARUAccessible and #BloodyMess, fighting period poverty.

This year we have the following Campaign Rep positions available:

· Disabled Students Rep (Chelmsford)

· Black and Minority Ethnic Students Rep (Cambridge)

· Trans Students Rep (Cambridge)

· Trans Students Rep (Chelmsford)


To apply for a Campaign Rep position, you must be based on that campus and self-define into the group it represents. To apply, go to the application page and enter your details. Then write a statement of what you would like to achieve while in position. You must upload a statement and a photo for your application to be approved.

If you have any questions about these roles or the election please contact Emma Howes, Engagement Manager, at e.howes@angliastudent.com