What are your campaigns/ what would you like to achieve for students this year?
My main campaign for this year is to work on accommodation issues which is been faced by students - rising rent; energy cap increases, and inflation on basic goods are out of hand and I want to do what I can to ensure students are getting a good deal on where they live. A lot of students don't know their tenancy rights and what they are capable of doing in instances such as a landlord refusing to return a deposit. I want to see to it that every student can choose to live in the city their campus is located in, and not be forced to live far away and commute in; potentially losing out on being a part of our campus community.
Why are you passionate about this project idea?
I’m passionate to work on this campaign because I myself got an issue with accommodation and I came to know that most students from ARU also facing these same issues. Nobody should have to go through difficulties with accommodation, especially when coming to university which is already a massive life change for so many.
What's your ultimate ARU moment?
My ultimate moment at ARU was during my MSc in Computer Science. There was a module for me in Web Application Security where they taught us basic hacking! It was an awesome session for all of us! It was an OMG moment for me because I hacked something, just like someone in a movie or a video game. And then the elections came - oh my God! It was a turning point for me because I didn't think I was the kind of person who would get elected but you, the students, proved me wrong and now here I am as your VP for Science & Engineering now.

Recent news and updates:
Read Rahman's most recent articles explaining her campaigns, actions and events...
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Catch up on the Elected Officers team updates....
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Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
I hope in 5 years' time I'll just be a successful person. I do not want to be the richest person or anything. I just want to be happy and healthy in my work, life etc.., I see myself as world traveller and having every country's stamp on my passport.
Share your three favourite tunes:
I like bass music more than vocal music. I also love hi-tech and psy trance. also, sometimes melodies are good hear.
Tell us something not many people know about you:
I like to do practical things or creative stuff - I'm actually pretty into origami.
If you had a super power what would it be??
I'd like to have superpowers like The Flash and get my work or anything else done quickly.