Akshay Kumbalath (He/Him) - Vice President Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2022/23
What are your campaigns/ what would you like to achieve for students this year?

Cost of living crisis – how students can face the cost of living challenges
Workshops and skill sharing for AHSS students
Mental health support for students settling into university life
Making SU and the services we offer more visible
Why are you passionate about this project idea?
As an international student coming into a new country and living a life on my own, the struggle for survival was very real. With the cost of living crisis, it is hard for students to manage their studies along with working to meet expenses. The NUS says that an average student is left with just £50 at the end of the month after rent, which is definitely not enough for students who come to study with student loans.
Students coming into this post-Covid era find it difficult to fit into university life and interact with their peers. Social interactions and fitting into a new place can be tough, which is why I want to make sure while you're at ARU you feel supported and safe.
What's your ultimate ARU moment?
My ultimate ARU moment was when I won the election. Having so many students vote for me to represent them and be their voice at the university, was an ultimate moment filled with happiness and the sense of responsibility that I have to make sure student concerns are heard throughout the year.

Recent news and updates:
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Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Over the next few years, I want to explore and develop my skills in project management and supply chain management and have gained experience in leading projects for some major clients.
What are your favourite tunes?:
Tell us something not many people know about you:
I am super into adventures and travelling, anytime someone wants to explore some place or something that is unknown I am totally willing to explore and get to the bottom of it.
If you had a superpower what would it be?
My superpower would be Superspeed - the best way to be everywhere and move around people who are so slow as though they are frozen, always wanted to know how it feels when the speedster move around changing thing and people just stand there frozen! :)