




This form will be submitted to the Engagement Manager; Emma Howes who is the Deputy Returning Officer for The Leadership Election 2025.

Your complaint will be investigated by the Deputy Returning Officer - depending on the nature of the complaint we may be unable to share the outcome with you.

Complaints regarding candidate conduct will not be accepted past 3pm on April 8th 2025.

Complaints relating to The Count will not be accepted past 3pm on April 15th 2025.




Candidates and campaigners shall obey the regulations and any additional rules imposed by the Deputy Returning Officer.

Candidates found to be in breach of these regulations shall, at the discretion of the Deputy Returning Officer, be sanctioned or disqualified from the election.


1.       Our approach

1.1   We will elect people in a free and fair manner

1.2   We are not here to give everyone an equal chance of winning, but a fair one

1.3   We will help candidates to engage better where we can

1.4   Staff, including voluntary staff and student staff are bound by the elections staff protocols


2.       Conduct

2.1   Candidates and campaigners shall act in the interest of a fair election

2.2   Candidates are responsible for their campaign and the conduct of their campaigners

2.3   Candidates must take reasonable steps to ensure that their campaigners’ actions always comply with the regulations and must be able to demonstrate this in the event of a complaint against them

2.4   Candidates and campaigners shall abide by ARU Students’ Union policies and byelaws including the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

2.5   Candidates should not undertake campaigns activity which others could not also reasonably do

2.6   Candidates who hold an elected role may only use resources and tools which others could also reasonably have access to

2.7   Campaign materials must not be defamatory and may not directly refer to other candidates

2.8   Candidates and campaigners may only alter, move or remove their own campaign materials

2.9   Campaigners must allow voters to cast their ballot freely and must not communicate with voters in any way once they have begun to complete their ballot

3.       Budget

3.1   Candidates must not exceed their budget limits

3.2   Candidates must submit a list of campaigns costs with corresponding receipts to the Deputy Returning Officer or their nominee by the close of balloting

3.3   Items freely and readily available to all candidates and campaigners can be used without itemisation

3.4   Candidates and campaigners must not fundraise or seek sponsorship for their campaign

3.5   Providing false or incomplete information on expenditure is a breach of election regulation and may result in disqualification.