Let's Be Honest: A Statement from Nicola Dandridge

Let's Be Honest: A Statement from Nicola Dandridge,

CEO for the Office for Students


Anglia Ruskin University Students' Union sent our mental health report from the Let's Be Honest campaign to Nicola Dandridge, the CEO for the new government body, the Office for Students.

We are delighted to share her statement of response here:

"This report shines an important spotlight on Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) students’ experience of mental health. Since being appointed Chief Executive of the Office for Students, I have met with students and student unions from across the country, and I know that supporting students experiencing mental health problems is a critically important issue. I commend ARU’s student union for commissioning this important and considered research.


“The report shows that a significant proportion of students from ARU are experiencing, or have experienced, mental health problems. It also shows that some groups of students – for example female students, students identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual,  and students with a disability, were more likely to report a pre-existing mental health condition.


“The report proposes number of recommendations which warrant careful consideration. Above all, I hope it will prompt all higher education providers to consider how best to support students with mental health problems, ensuring that they are able to succeed in their studies."

- Nicola Dandridge, CEO for the Office for Students