Bathroom Inclusivity

Bathroom Inclusivity

A campaign led by Michael Turner, Trans Rep for Cambridge

My name is Michael, I use he/him pronouns, and I am the trans rep for the Cambridge campus. 

Meeting weekly with our trans students has made it clear that although we can see the university is making changes to be more inclusive of our community, almost all of us have felt unwelcome in/unaware of campus bathrooms at some point. Because of this, we are currently working with the university to make men’s bathrooms more accessible to AFAB (assigned female at birth) students, as well as just generally raising awareness of the gender-neutral facilities on the campus.  In addition to this, I am working on trans-inclusive bathroom posters to implement across campus.

Campaign Aims: 

  • All campus toilets will have access to menstrual hygiene products
  • All toilet cubicles will have lidded bins
  • All toilets will have inclusive posters to raise awareness and increase safe spaces


  • Weekly Trans Coffee meetings continues to have large a turnouts and high student satisfaction/feedback
  • Raised the request for hygiene products to be accessible within men’s bathrooms, which has now opened the conversation with the suitable departments.

More campaign details and updates can be found on Facebook and Twitter where you can find out more about upcoming trans coffee meetings or contact me. Alternatively, please feel free to drop me an email.