You Are Irreplaceable

'You are Irreplaceable'

A part of the De-Stress Campaign led by Eliza Torres, VP for FHSCE and FMS

 Hi there from Eliza Torres, your Vice President for the faculties of Health, Social Care, Education and Medical Science! 

As a part of my monthly De-Stress events campaign, our officer team's Let’s Be Honest campaign, and launched alongside Laura Douds' LGBT + History month, I have created the ‘You are Irreplaceable’ bracelets. These are inspired by the ‘You cannot be replaced’ campaign in America. The aim of the bracelets is develop a bigger sense of awareness about mental health and aims to empower young people and staff to improve relationships, communication, and trust. Through the 'pay it forward' act of kindness the bracelet calls for, this campaign exhibits a sense of kindness and compassion for others that we cultivate through our Students' Union.

On Friday, 16th February, we launched this initiative through handing out the wristbands and a card explaining how to use the wristband and pass it on to someone who needs to hear the message 'You are Irreplaceable'! Come get a wristband in our Students' Union colours, or, as a part of LGBT+ History Month, come get a wristband in a variety of colours representing different identities.

When and where can I get a bracelet? These are available in our Students' Union spaces until we run out (there are still a few left, but not many, so come by ASAP if you don't have one yet!).

'Why do you have special LGBT+ colours for this campaign?'
Reflecting the work we did on mental health and 'Let's Be Honest', the 'You are Irreplaceable' message was launched during LGBT+ History Month in order to address the fact that students who identify as LGBT+ are more likely to experience mental health difficulties at university than students who identify as heterosexual. The bracelets are for everyone, but we know it is important to also make this special shout-out to our LGBT+ communities on campus!

How it works: