Increased Food Variety

Increased Food Variety

A campaign led by Johanna Korhonen, VP for Arts, Law and Social Science

This project is a collaboration between the Students’ Union and the catering team with an aim to respond to student feedback and provide students with a greater variety of food which reflects students expectations of ‘good value for money’


The Chelmsford recipe suggestion has begun! You can suggest recipes you would like to see served in your canteen from 9th April till 13th April.


From 18th April till 22nd April you can vote for top 5 recipes that you want to see being trialled during the Recipe Trial, which will happen from 30th April till 4th May.


The Cambridge recipe trial has finished!  It was very successful, hence the Catering service have agreed to keep all recipes as part of their 6-weekly menu apart from Potato and Onion soup, which wasn't as successful. They have also included 7 additional recipes that came from the recipe suggestion in the 6-weekly menu. 


This project aims to increase the food variety on campus in four parts: 


  1. From 13th November till 24th November there was a recipe suggestion period in the Cambridge canteen where students suggested meals or recipes that they would like to see in their canteen.
  2.  Students voted for their favourite recipes online and we got the top ten suggestions that students want to eat.
  3. The Recipe Trial happened from 5ththFebruary till 16th February where the top ten recipes will be served in the Cambridge canteen and students were able to provide feedback on these meals.
  4. As 9 meals out of 10 were successful, the Catering team has agreed to include these in their 6-weekly menu


Here are the meals that were trialled in the Cambridge Recipe Trial:


2 Vegan tacos, salsa, vegan cheese and salad V, VV, GF

Thai red vegetable curry with rice & naan bread V, VV, GF

Chicken Korma with Rice & Naan Bread

Chocolate brownie V                                                           

Macaroni Cheese V


2 Beef tacos, Salsa, sour cream, grated cheese and salad

Vegan vegetable fried rice served with Roasted Vegetables V, VV, GF

Roast pork with apple sauce and Yorkshire pudding

Potato and onion soup V, VV

2 Vegetable spring rolls with hoi sin sauce and salad garnish V