Safer Taxi Scheme

This campaign is from 2016-2017 and this page will no longer be updated. Check out our current campaigns for more ways to get involved.

Safer Taxi Scheme- Kat Younger (Welfare Officer)

One of my #dreamteam priorities this year is to start a Safer Taxis Scheme – it’s widely done up and down the country and ridiculous that we haven’t got one here yet.

In a nutshell, this is what a Safer Taxis Scheme is:

  1. Student in a difficult situation/doesn’t have any money at the moment rings for a taxi
  2. Student uses their student card for payment, receives receipt from taxi driver
  3. Taxi driver returns card to university the next day, receives payment from institution
  4. Student pays institution for their card back

There’s more to it than that though – there are differences across schemes other unis/unions use. For instance…

Should there be a cap on fares/distance?

Should one person be able to use their own card for all if it’s a group journey?

Is there a particular taxi company you like that is safe/reliable that we should partner with to run the scheme?

Should it just be for those that need it in an emergency or should any student be able to use the scheme if they want?


Or anything else you can think of…

This campaign is literally all about your safety, it makes sense that you should have a say in how it’s set up - so leave a comment below!

UPDATE 5/12/2016:
I have now met with the Director of Student Services who is positive about the idea. I now need to do some research to work out how the scheme could affect us or the university financially, so I have circulated a survey to Unions with similar schemes in place. Watch this space!