Rep in Sport

This campaign is from 2016-2017 and this page will no longer be updated. Check out our current campaigns for more ways to get involved.

Representation in Sport - Leigh Rooney (President)


The aim for this campaign originally was to create an 'Athletic Union' type structure at ARU. As the campaign has developed I have explored options and discovered that a more straight forward agreement between students and Active Anglia will be more appropriate and achieveable.

So, the aim of the campaign is for students to be more centred within the decision making processes of the sport department at ARU. Competitive sport and campus sport has grown and improved over the years giving students the opportunity to participate at a range of different levels depending on their preference.

There is student representation at the heart of the university through all of the faculties and academic committees which means students are consulted about changes and improvements to better the university experience, with the only gap currently being within sport.


Aim: A representative structure is embedded within the decision-making processes of Active Anglia by the academic year 2017/18

  • We will work together with Active Anglia to create a new partnership agreement
  • We will lobby the University to sign an agreement, committing to embed representation in sport within their decision-making processes
  • We will administer the process of appointment or election and provide relevant training for all representatives


I am currently in the process of writing a draft for the 'agreement' with the help of our student opportunities coordinator. If you have any suggestions as to what should be included please drop me an email at