Global Unity on Campus

This campaign is from 2016-2017 and this page will no longer be updated. Check out our current campaigns for more ways to get involved.

Global Unity on Campus - Precious Nwanze (Activities Officer Chelmsford)

I believe there should be global unity at Anglia Ruskin. Having a more diverse and united campus will improve cultural awareness and community among ARU students. 

Have a look at my aim and objectives below to see how I am going to achieve this;

Aim: For all students at Anglia Ruskin University to feel part of a truly diverse community that celebrates different cultures and embraces opportunities to network and get involved

  1. We will create a cross-campus International Society with 500 members by the academic year 17/18
  2. We will bring existing culture-based societies together, through events and opportunities for collaboration
  3. We will continue to develop and strengthen our partnership with the International Office in order to further the experience of our students


Objective number 1: recently we have created a new International Society in both Cambridge and Chelmsford. If you would like to join in Chelmsford, click here. For the Cambridge society, click here.

Objective number 2: I recently organised a Black History Month celebration, which brought together a number of societies, students, SU & University staff. It was a fantastic event and great to see our students collaborating and being proud of their culture.

Objective number 3: Also as part of our team’s mental health campaign Let’s Be Honest, I have been able to take part in the University’s iBuddy Scheme, which has been a great experience chatting with new International students and being able to help them settle in. To hear more about my time as an iBuddy take a read of my article here. We will also be planning Global Week in partnership with the International Office next semester.

Click here for 10 reasons why you should join the International Society!


Black History Month 2016

I would love for you to get involved in any of the above, joining the society, being part of new events or helping organise a stall for Global Week. Any questions please feel free to email me or drop by the office-