Access Agreements

Student Consultation

This page is set up to facilitate the student involvement in the development of Access Agreements for 2014/15.

For 2012 intake, the Access Agreement was for Fee Waivers (a reduction in tution fees) now we need to find out whether that is beneficial to students, or whether there are other ways the University can support students who qualify for access agreements.

An access agreement ensures that the university improves access to higher education and enhances student success for those from under-represented groups. Access schemes enable universities  to encourage access to higher education and support students from under-represented groups. This is the first time students have been asked to help develop and feed into the framework.

This is really important, we really need your input to help shape the support for future students. There is also a comment box below if you would like to contribute but cannot make the sessions.

Tuesday 26th Feb - Student Lounge Tindal 10-4pm (FREE PIZZA)

Friday 1st March - LAB 221 11-4pm

Thank you,



If you received an email from me regarding process please sign up to your preferred time on your campus (Cambridge / Chelmsford only) below: