Green Ideas

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We want to know what else you think we should be doing to encourage students to think about the environment they are in now, but also for the future. 

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    Savannah Rags

      Savannah Rags take second hand clothing and sort into trade packages of equal size and content to enable trader (buyer) to make a good profit. Trader buys package from Savannah Rags. This is an excellent alternative to just "giving aid" as African textile economy is hit hard by people unable to purchase new clothing. Savannah Rags creates a trade wiithin African countries and allows some money to go back into the economy. They are not charged a lot per bundle and clothes are sorted so the trader wastes no time sifting through what can or cant be sold. All clothing sent in package can be sold and any clothing that Savannah Rags received which cannot is sold to textile industries. We do not have a clothing bank at our uni and I think it would be good to request one. In the meantime we could organise a day people can bring lots of second hand clothing in which Savannah Rags will collect providing it is a good sized collection.
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