As an elected representative with ARU Students' Union, you are a volunteer! This means that all the work you do as part of your role can be logged as volunteering hours and skills through the Volunteer Centre. But which hours can you log?
Meetings with university staff (SSLC, Faculty Boards, Group chat etc.)
Time spent on Mitigation/Disciplinary Panels as a Representative
Meetings or training conducted by the Students’ Union
All communication with students in which you receive feedback
Writing of and study of preparation notes for meetings
Presentation writing/delivery to students
Development Planning and preparation work for projects
Campaigning Activity
Volunteering Projects
Social Events
Travel time to and from events
Events or activities which you are participating in but not coordinating e.g. guest lectures, non-volunteering trips etc.
Generally, if you are doing a task for free and for the benefit of others, this is volunteering!