News Article

Trans Day of Visibility 2023

TDOV takes place on March 31st each year to celebrate trans and non-binary people and raise awareness of discrimination faced by trans people worldwide.

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What is Trans Day of Visibility?

TDoV takes place on March 31st each year to celebrate trans and non-binary people and raise awareness of discrimination faced by trans people worldwide.

Increasing media backlash towards trans people has begun in the wake of the NHS GIC consultation in 2017 and the reformation of the Gender Recognition Act. More recently, the UK Government chose to enact the use of Section 35, blocking a Scottish Parliament bill that would have given transgender people the right to self-identify, without having to go through lengthy and invasive medical processes.

Here at ARU Students' Union, we are aware that there is a lot of pressure on trans and non-binary people to conform, change and prove their gender to others. We believe that all trans people, regardless of identity, expression, or orientation, are enough just as they are. Therefore, for TDoV 2023 we would like to help empower trans people to celebrate who they are and encourage allies to voice solidarity with the trans community.

If you experience or witness any kind of transphobia or other discriminatory behaviours, you can report them using the ARU incident reporting tool Unsilenced as well as book an appointment with the SU Advice Team if you've raised an issue but don't feel like you've been heard. You can also speak with our LGBT+ and Trans Students' Representatives at the Students' Union with any concerns or if you want to get involved in wider campaigning at ARU, or come by our offices and speak with a member of staff should you feel comfortable doing so.

Make sure to check out local action groups and charity organisations online for events going on in your area, as well as support they offer to trans; non-binary and gender non-conforming people.

You are loved; you are valid; you are not alone.

