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Student Renter's Guide Re-Release

The Student Renter's Guide was first written in 2018 by a student for students, to help avoid the potential pitfalls of private renting and give helpful hints and tips. Since then a lot has changed in renting legislation, so we've updated our guide with all the current rules; laws and guidance.

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The Student Renter's Guide was first written in 2018 by a student for students, to help avoid the potential pitfalls of private renting and give helpful hints and tips. Since then a lot has changed in renting legislation, so we've updated our guide with all the current rules; laws and guidance.

Coming to university is a huge step and you're expected to learn a lot of things really quickly, especially when you're leaving campus or purpose-built student accommodation into private lets like houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs.) The rules tenants have to follow; what happens with your deposit, and what to do if you think your landlord is doing something unfair or even illegal, there are so many things to know!

This is why ARU Students' Union created and published the original Student Renter's Guide, with input and consultation with legal professionals and spearheaded by ARU students, to create an easy; short guide for student tenants moving into the private renting sector. It includes advice from before you sign a tenancy agreement, all the way up to handing back the keys; the types of tenancy agreements, and even tips on managing stuff like bills.

Five years after its first release, I realised that much of the advice in the guide was subject to change, due to various pieces of UK government legislation being reviewed and passed through Parliament. Such as the requirement for "smaller HMOs" which counts houses with 5 or more people from 2 or more households (so potentially you and your housemates) to have an HMO Licence and be registered with the council.

Since the re-release we've given out physical guides at Refreshers 2023 and published a PDF version online, so you can access free renting tips and advice wherever you are. I hope this continues to help students avoid making mistakes before; during, and after their tenancy has ended, and help keep you safe from scammers; sham tenancies, and dodgy landlords.

Read and download the online version of the Student Renter's Guide here!


Gabriela Simmon
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