News Article

Rights Beyond Borders

We’re teaming up with Kent Students’ Union and other student unions across the country to highlight the unfair barriers international students face when it comes to work opportunities.

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Looking through a window to the interior of the SU space, three students are sitting having a discus

A view through the window of the SU space, where three students are sitting having a discussion.

At ARU Students’ Union, we’re proud to stand with international students.

We’re teaming up with Kent Students’ Union and other student unions across the country to highlight the unfair barriers international students face when it comes to work opportunities.

International students bring so much to the UK – talent, culture, and a fresh perspective – yet strict visa restrictions and limited working rights make things unnecessarily difficult. This campaign is about changing that and creating a system that works for everyone.

Here’s what we’re calling for:

  • Increasing the cap on working hours to 30 per week so students can balance work and study.
  • Allowing students to start their own businesses or take on freelance work.
  • Ensuring full-time work options are available during intermissions and holidays.
  • Extending intermission periods to 120 days, giving students much-needed flexibility.

This isn’t just about work; it’s about fairness, opportunity, and recognising the huge contribution international students make to our communities.

How you can help
We need your voice. Follow the campaign, spread the word, and sign the petition. Together, we can make a difference.

Visit to find out more and get involved.



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