The 2016/2017 guest speaker series was kicked off by a brilliant talk by Dr Paul Bromley!
The ParaSoc guest speaker series was kicked off in spectacular fashion with Doctor Paul Bromley giving us a brilliant talk on remote and expedition medicine. Dr Bromley informed us in detail of the certain environments he has encountered and the difficulties he's had to overcome, including scratchy hammocks - which require great skill to set up if you want a good nights sleep and alternating your wet and dry clothing. The presentation was supported with some beautiful photography taken by the man himself including up close and personal moments with the wildlife and communities.
We had a brilliant turn out of members and non-members alike and we can only hope that it has inspired more of the lovely medical minded students on campus to join our society. We hope its given some of you some food for thought for possibly progressing into this line of prehopsital medicine - it certainly has for us!
Can we take this moment to say a big thank you to Dr Paul Bromley and to all of you that attended, we could not have asked for a more successful first guest speaker event!
Watch this space for our next speaker - Professor Tony Young, who is coming to give us a talk on innovative technologies and different future possibilities for prehospital professions. After all, the profession is only improving!