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Your Education, Your Responsibility

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The words you got this written in white chalk on a road

A lot of time, effort, money, and sacrifices will go into your university experience. And while we don’t want to sound harsh or put pressure on you, it is important for you to know and familiarise yourself with your campus and your regulations.

This is not to overwhelm you, but to prevent additional stress when you are completing assessments and sitting exams. It is up to you to keep on top of your studies, and to communicate if you are struggling.


Good habits for assessments

When you receive your assessment:

  • Read the brief. Read it again!
  • Note ALL important deadline dates in a journal /calendar
  • Use different colour pens for different modules
  • Record all these important dates in one place. This will make it easier to foresee busy periods
  • If you are working book Annual Leave for particularly busy assessment periods
  • Download the VLE App on your phone
  • Make it a daily habit to check your student emails for communication from the university


Communication is key

Everybody wants you to succeed. If at any point your personal circumstances are preventing you from producing your best work, there are policies and procedures in place to assist you; speak to your Personal Development Tutor, speak to a lecturer, speak to us at the Students’ Union.

The university will not take responsibility for a student not knowing procedures and processes of the university as the information is provided for you. The sooner you become familiar with these processes, the less daunting it will be.

If you are confused or unsure of a certain process, communicate this with Director of Studies office or the SU Advice team to receive clarity.

And always keep in mind: your education is your responsibility.
